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Istanbul Kültür University (IKU) Head of the Board of Trustees Dr. Bahar Akıngüç Günver published a message regarding the IKU agenda which has changed with the New Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19).

My Dear Kültür Family

The days of the corona exhausted us all. Time comes and goes, creating an erosion in our emotional being. It is very difficult to be locked in homes, give up freedoms, and not live fully due to the fear of a deadly pandemic. Another aspect of the business is that people internalize this situation. With the feeling that "it could be lived like this"; it is very thought-provoking to give up a very colorful, dynamic, productive and active life. I am worried that the young generations, who have to fit life into the home and on the screen, see and prefer this lifestyle naturally. Over time, will we turn into people who, with extreme health concerns, prefer screen loneliness to the crowd?

My Dear Kültür Family

The pandemic hinders life with certain restrictions. It is not possible not to see, not feel, not be affected. However, the main thing is the excitement we feel to move forward despite all this. The movement that manifests itself in the education and business processes of the university and makes its presence felt. I get good news from my colleagues about our excitement to produce.

All departments of our Faculty of Health Sciences and the Psychology Department of our Faculty of Arts and Sciences are preparing for a digital meeting for the Kültür family. The Communication Design Department of our Faculty of Art and Design will also support this work with the theme of Health and Happiness. This digital meeting to be held for our university family will be a surprise for all of us with its format. Views of members of Kültür will also take place in this meeting. I congratulate our Faculty of Health Sciences, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Department of Psychology, and Faculty of Art and Design, Department of Communication Design for their cooperation. My colleagues, who will share their pandemic experiences within the scope of the meeting, will make a great contribution to the memory we will create for the future. I would like to thank all my friends who will support them with their sincere sharings.

The pandemic has changed our working culture and continues to change. Under this heading, our Human Resources Department started its meetings on employee experience. One of the most interesting aspects of employee experience encounters is that they are hybrid. It is very important that they transfer technology to Human Resources management and development. I wish them success in their works.

My Dear Kültür Family 

Yes, we pass certain tests, we have difficulties from time to time. We live in a unique period of siege of wishes, anxieties and doubts. Last week, on April 6, 2020, Posta Newspaper Education Editor Sevim Büyüktaş Demir moved the interview she made with our student, Umut Ünlü, from the Business Management Program of the Vocational School, to her page. The title of the article, “Hope is Always There”, a unique reference for all of us in the period we live in, and the story of our student should inspire us in these difficult times.

Without losing hope and rational optimism, we, as Kültür Family, will continue to comply with health and safety measures to the end. We will continue our education service with a libertarian, democratic and egalitarian understanding. We will not be pacified due to the corona pandemic, and we will focus on eliminating learning losses with decisive steps. We will continue to work for a brighter and fairer future.

What remains from this time period will be the strong, durable and coordinated Kültür Family.

Hope to see you on healthy days
Dr. Bahar Akıngüç Günver
Head of the Board of Trustees