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Dr. Bahar Akıngüç Günver

Our Chairman of the Board of Trustees Dr. Bahar Akıngüç Günver's Message Regarding the IKU Agenda-XIII

Dear Kültür Family,

The Kültür Agenda messages that I started to share on 28.03.2020 completed their 13th week. Every message I share in order to alleviate the uncertainty burden created by the pandemic is a bit; staying connected; it has shown me that the link established through open, objective, lean communication is much more valuable, especially in times of crisis. The feedback from you after my sharings inspired new ideas, eye-opening  discussions, and scenarios that illuminate our path. Thank you so much.

Dear Kültür Family,

First of all, when I look back; It was the most important achievement of the last three months to know that we left behind the shock phase with health as a Kültür Family.

Our gradual working order that we started as of June is currently among our most important agenda items. It even started to create its own routines. With the participation of our faculty deans, vocational school and institute directorates and head offices, we have expanded our working Network a little more. In the past week, there has also been a heavy demand from our academic and administrative staff to work on campus. For this reason, apart from the list shared by Kovkom between 15-30 June 2020, we have implemented a new arrangement in line with our health and safety policy for our personnel who wish to work at Ataköy. Within the scope of planning, we strongly request that our personnel who request to work in the office environment first contact the Support Services Department and comply with the incoming feedback sensitively.

Dear Kültür Family,

We are all making a great effort to ensure that our individual and institutional health is minimally affected by the realities of the pandemic. The decisions taken at this point, the measures applied, the changes experienced are not a weakness but a life strategy developed in order to survive the crisis mentally, socially and economically.

We have overcome a period where uncertainty and chaos are at the top; where norms, behaviours and roles that we have known or accepted until now go through radical changes; where it is difficult to perceive on different fronts and planes. The moment has come, we all feel “suspended” in all areas of society. But crisis management is an experience of courage and learning. To be able to put the subject of us instead of me, the most important thing is to be able to distance ourselves from the disaster scenarios created by bending the facts of the day and having no basis. I would like to take this opportunity to ask you very strongly that any information inside or outside of the institution that feeds on the climate of uncertainty created by the crisis, which abuses our natural and human concerns and which rasps our hope, our trust in each other and our institution, our work and life energy cannot be respected. I can assure you that the Board of Trustees, the Rectorate, the General Secretariat and Kovkom will continue to share with the principle of open, transparent and objective information-based communication in all the developments that may occur due to the side effects of the crisis, as they have shared until now.

Dear Kültür Family,

We are all part of a family that has a tradition and a future like Istanbul Kültür University. In addition to the destruction it has caused in health, the pandemic, which has targeted the balance of the world socially and economically, has Of course had its effects on us. But we have not been pacified as a victim or by victim psychology. We all tried to fulfill our roles and responsibilities in the best way possible within our work and life balances. We left behind 3 months as active, working and producing individuals. Now we will overcome the new normal phase ahead, without giving up rational and constructive optimism. As long as we trust ourselves and, most importantly, each other.

Finally, this weekend is very special for families. Today, I wish all my colleagues who are excited with their children in the LGS exam and wish success to our young people. Tomorrow is Father's Day. On this occasion, I congratulate the Kültür Fathers with their most sincere wishes.

Dr. Bahar Akıngüç Günver
Chairman of the board of Trustees of IKU